Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well, the final critique is a week from today, & I am done with my project, it just needs to print! Here's a look at what I've made.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Progress Report Assignment #5: Final

Our final project (only 2 1/2 weeks left of class!) was a free for all, so we had the freedom to choose any topic and any subject. The topic that I have chosen is turning out to be "putting a face to the place" although, my original idea revolved more around the beauty of different face. My shots are portraits of different people I know, mostly up close. I really got into their faces! I didn't give them very much instruction except to relax and show me who you are, act normal. After getting a really great intense action shot of the priest at my school, I decided to back away just a little bit to observe who they are and a little more of their environment. What makes my project interesting is that on the same print there will be a photo of an associated environment, or place/ thing that represents that person. The people will be in B&W while the locations will be in intensified color. We have to have 10 prints (minimum) to present for the final :)
Here are a couple edited portrait shots. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Assignment #4: Landscapes

This project is self explanatory. We had a story board essentially about ourselves a little expressed in landscape shots. All of mine were taken when I went on a spring break road trip headed to New Orleans. They are taken in St. Louis, Memphis, Mississippi, & Louisiana. I had 16 final images!

Assignment #3: Collage Portrait

In this assignment, we had to use a combination of pics we already had and new pics to create a collage portrait. I chose to create an image of a person using several elements from different friends. Instead of my collage representing me, it represents my friendships. I don't currently have the original image, but here's an image of the image ;)

Assignment #2: Get to know your camera

In this assignment we were asked to take almost 50 shots using different settings on the camera. theses were some of my favorites. Macro  obviously caught my attention as I was taking pictures around campus.

Assignment #1: Veggie Man

In this assignment, we were given a photograph with different veggies and an example of a face made of these veggies. This is what I came up with.

I did this using photoshop to cut out the pieces, using elliptical tools, and changing some of their colors with some minor adjustments to create my european-looking veggie man!